
Tom Traubert's Blues (Four sheets to the wind in Copenhagen) (註一) 爛醉哥本哈根 Tom Waits 翻譯by JCL Wasted (註二) and wounded 爛醉如泥、傷痕纍纍 And it ain't what the moon did 這並非月亮惹的禍 I got what I paid for now 全是我自找的 See you tomorrow 明天見 Hey Frank can I borrow a couple of bucks from you 嘿法蘭克我能不能跟你借點盤纏用用? To go waltzing Matilda waltzing Matilda (註三) 讓我收拾行囊去流浪、收拾行囊去流浪 You'll go waltzing Matilda with me 跟我一起收拾行囊去流浪吧 I'm an innocent victim of a blinded alley 我鑽進了死巷 And I'm tired of all these soldiers here 早已對身邊所有軍人感到厭倦 No-one speaks English 沒人會講英文 And everything's broken 沒一件東西不破損 And my Stacys (註四) are soaking wet 我的鞋子也浸得濕透 To go waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda 收拾行囊去流浪、收拾行囊去流浪 You'll go a waltzing Malitda with me 跟我一起收拾行囊去流浪吧 Now the dogs they are barking 現在看門狗吠著 and the taxi cab's parking 計程車停著 A lot they can do for me 他們真是幫了大忙(反諷) I begged you to stab me 我曾求你一刀刺死我 You tore my shirt open 你只是扯開了我的衣襟 And I'm down on my knees tonight 而今夜我再度跪下了雙膝 Old bushmills I staggered 威士忌讓我步履蹣跚 You buried the dagger 而你埋起了匕首 Your silhouette window light 在你窗燈的剪影中 To go waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda 收拾行囊去流浪、收拾行囊去流浪 You'll go a waltzing Matilda with me 跟我一起收拾行囊去流浪吧 Now I've lost my St. Christopher (註五) Now that I kissed her 親吻了她之後我不再流浪 And the one-arm bandit (註六) knows 吃角子老虎機懂得 And the maverick Chinaman with the cold-blooded sigh 中國獨行俠跟冷血的告示 And the girls down by the striptease shows go 還有脫衣女郎們也懂得 Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda 收拾行囊去流浪、收拾行囊去流浪 You'll go a waltzing Matilda with me 跟我一起收拾行囊去流浪吧 No I don't want your sympathy 不,我不需要你的同情 Fugitives say 逃犯說 that the streets aren't for dreaming now 現在的街上已不是作夢的場所 Manslaughter dragnet and the ghost that sells memories 獎金獵人和出賣回憶的鬼魂 Want a piece of the action anyhow 無論如何都會參一腳 (追我) Go waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda 收拾行囊去流浪、收拾行囊去流浪 You'll go waltzing Matilda with me 跟我一起收拾行囊去流浪吧 And you can ask any sailor 你可以去問任何水手 And the keys from the jailor 或是獄卒手中的鑰匙 And the old men in wheelchairs know 坐輪椅的老人們也清楚 That Matilda's the defendant 我的行囊就是案子中的被告 She killed about a hundred (註七) 她是殺害百餘人的兇手 And she follows wherever you may go 不論我逃到天涯海角它都不會放過我 Waltzing Matilda, waltzing Matilda 收拾行囊去流浪、收拾行囊去流浪 You'll go waltzing Matilda with me 跟我一起收拾行囊去流浪吧 And it's a battered old suitcase to a hotel someplace (我的行李是)前往某處旅店的破爛舊行李箱 And a wound that would never heal 以及一個永遠不會癒合的傷 No prima donnas 沒有女主角 the perfume is on 香水味道還在 and old shirt that is stained with blood and whiskey 襯衫上只沾滿了血跡和威士忌酒漬 And goodnight to the street-sweepers, 晚安了,清道伕們 The night watchmen flame-keepers 晚安了,守夜人和顧火人 And goodnight Matilda too 我的行囊,你也晚安了 註一:three sheets to the wind是以前指航海時三張主帆隨風飄,船會一直打轉。後來引申為酒醉的人。four sheets to the wind則是Tom waits給的加強版。 註二:wasted在此指的是爛醉,醉到一直吐。(俗語) 註三:Matilda大家以為指的是澳洲民謠中的waltzing Matilda中所指的行李,Waltzing指的是行李在走動時上下移動像是在跳舞。但Tom waits寫這首歌時事實上用了雙關語。當時(1976)Tom waits正在哥本哈根,據說這首歌是寫給Mathilde Bondo這個小提琴家的(照片)。 女主角自己說了:'He was in Copenhagen in 1976 to perform in a tv-show, in which I played the violin. And afterwards I of course had to show him the City - we were in Tivoli and on Christianshavn. It was a lovely night out", says Mathilde Bondo. 註四:Stacys在此指的是Stacy Adams Tom Waits (1976): "Stacey Adams once were a very prestigious shoe... if you had them on then nobody messed with you and you could go anywhere. Stacey's stayed ahead of current affairs and were considered extremely hip."(Source: "Tom Waits: Would You Say This Man Was Attempting To Convey An Impression Of Sordid Bohemianism" New Musical Express (UK), by Fred Dellar. Date: June 5, 1976) 註五:St. Christopher是旅行者的護身符,弄丟代表失去保護。我個人解讀是:「失去旅行者的身份」,即「不再流浪」(只是不知道對不對)。 註六:one-arm bandit是吃角子老虎機(slot machine)的俗稱。因為只有一隻手,而且會一直把你的錢吃掉。 =_= 註七:在此Matilda應指主角回憶中的自己。


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